Terms and Conditions

Welcome to our job listing platform! Before you submit your job posts, please carefully read and agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Accurate Information: You agree to provide accurate and truthful information while submitting job posts. Misleading or false information may result in the removal of the post without notice.
  2. Compliance with Laws: You are responsible for ensuring that your job posts comply with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations.
  3. Content Standards: Job posts must not contain any content that is discriminatory, offensive, or violates any rights of third parties, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, or privacy rights.
  4. No Unlawful Activities: You shall not use the platform for any unlawful activities, including but not limited to the promotion of illegal substances, discrimination, or any form of harassment.
  5. Review and Approval: All job posts are subject to review and approval by our team. We reserve the right to reject or remove any job post that violates our policies or standards.
  6. Duration of Job Listings: Job listings will be active for the specified duration selected during the submission process. It is your responsibility to renew or remove the listing once the position is filled.
  7. User Account: You must have a valid user account to submit job posts. Keep your account information secure, and do not share your login credentials with others.
  8. Payment and Fees: If applicable, payment for job listings must be made in accordance with the pricing and payment terms outlined on the platform.
  9. No Guarantees: While we strive to provide maximum visibility for your job posts, we do not guarantee any specific level of response or success in filling the advertised positions.
  10. Modification of Terms: We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. It is your responsibility to regularly check for updates. Continued use of the platform constitutes acceptance of the modified terms.
  11. Termination of Access: We may, at our discretion, terminate your access to the platform if you violate these terms and conditions.

By submitting a job post, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Thank you for using our job listing platform!

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